
I realized I'm a global citizen!

  • By Phyron
  • Oct 5, 2023 - 3 min read
I realized I'm a global citizen!

Daniella Lindskog who recently joined Phyron’s Marketing team grew up in the US, lives in France, and works for a Swedish company.

Hi Daniella. How American, French or Swedish are you? What does this multicultural background mean to you?

"I grew up on 3 different continents ... my mother was from Malawi, Africa. Being multicultural was challenging when I was younger. But as I’ve gotten older, I realized that I’m a global citizen, and that’s pretty darn cool."

What’s the difference between driving in the US and driving in France?

"Haha, don’t get me started. Well I was driving an automatic car in the US for 10 years. I got my license after taking a class in high school and paying 20 bucks to do my final driving test. Then, in France ... with stick shift ... I’m halfway there now."

Phyron is a rather young company. Any thoughts about that?

"I love the flexibility that comes with scale-ups ... the opportunity to learn and grow professionally."

You have spent quite a few years in France. What brought you there, and what did you work with, exactly?

"I came to France after my master studies in London. My partner is French and we did the long distance thing for 3 years until I could join him. That’s also how I ended up working in startups. Online and physical events, digital marketing, email, paid advertising, content creation, and most recently, video marketing. At one point I had my own educational YouTube series."

What makes video so special in online marketing?

"The most popular social media platforms of today are TikTok, YouTube, Instagram ... that says a lot. Video is dynamic and engaging. You can fit complex information in a short amount of time, and it’s easy to understand what’s being conveyed. I also think people are less inclined to purchase from faceless brands. Video can give your company a recognizable, trusted face."

Life is not just about work. Where do you live?

"I live on the Atlantic coast in a small seaport city called La Rochelle. Life is a lot calmer compared to Paris, and it feels more “human”. I’m a big foodie and I love the food culture here. That mealtime is a special time, even when you’re working. And the fresh market every morning ... fresh oysters ... seasonal produce and artisanal bread."

Wow! And ... why Phyron? Is it the AI thing?

"Definitely the AI. I’ll let you in on a little secret: I’m not crazy about cars, but don’t tell anyone that. It was the AI automation part that had me. Phyron AI has been perfecting our technology for years. No other company does what we do and we’re experiencing huge growth! I’m grateful to be a part of it."

"The marketing team is pretty small, which is challenging in a good way. A big focus of mine will be video — hosting online events ... creating video content. As we all know the power of video, I look forward to seeing how it impacts all our marketing channels in the coming year."

Rolf Andersson
Phyron Writer and Editor

