
Investing in tomorrow’s Used-Car 
Sales & Marketing solutions

  • By Phyron
  • Nov 21, 2022 - 3 min read
Investing in tomorrow’s Used-Car 
Sales & Marketing solutions

If you want to know the real story behind today’s financial and business turmoil: ask Peter Dahlgren, Founder & Value Creator. If you want solid advice about the road ahead, Peter is definitely the man! 

Before establishing Dahlgren Capital and the Confidus Venture Capital portfolio of new, globally scalable business ventures, he made a solid footprint at the very top of the Nordic financial industry, for example, as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Nordnet Bank AB, CEO Life, and Pension SEB Group, Global Head of Securities Service, Nordea, Head of Alpha Team, Skandia Liv, Sjunde AP-fonden, AP7 and Head of Risk Control, Alfred Berg/ABN Amro Bank.

Hi Peter. First, what’s your relationship with the automotive industry?

We only invest in companies that can scale exponentially for more than ten years, with products built by unique technology. Companies in large future markets that are exposed to the power of automation, which will transform hundreds of millions of jobs and create radical new innovations. One such company is Phyron.

Technically, Phyron’s outstanding visual presentation with automated ad production, handling, and publishing solution is universal. However, to facilitate rapid growth, the management and owners focused exclusively on product development, sales, and customer success resources in the automotive industry. 

So, from your perspective, what happened with the markets in 2022?

The pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and the global supply problems for the automotive and other industries all happened after some 15 years of artificial business stimulations. A lethal combo of too much capital and ridiculously low-interest rates created unrealistic non-scalable business ventures.

Today, these non-scalable linear companies with continually rising costs have to face more realistic market conditions as it will be challenging for them to raise capital. As a result, the people who invested in them are getting cold feet for good reasons. Only non-linear scalable technology and business models, such as Phyron, will create enormous value.

So, financially, it’s back to normal business conditions. But, at the same time, as we all know, the entire automobile industry is in the midst of a gigantic transformation process with electrification, agency business models, and, further down the line, new subscription models with self-driving vehicles and so forth.

What can car dealers do to succeed in this new scenario? 

Everybody may not subscribe to the agency model, but it will enable dealerships to cut costs and facilitate flexibility and adaptation to radically new business realities. Survival of the fittest if you like.

In marketing and sales, you need to reach consumers where they are and when they are in the mood for new information and experiences. Video via social media solves that. Currently, TikTok is the fastest growing platform, with millions of people watching short videos around the clock. Since mid-October, TikTok has been the first social media channel to run Phyron’s automated car video ads. Other social media platforms are bound to follow suit.

Without human intervention, Phyron’s AI automation solution to create, manage, and publish studio-level video ads, presenting new and used cars in new and exciting ways, satisfies all the criteria for tomorrow’s used car Sales and Marketing sales. More revenues, with 100% automation resulting in lower costs.

