Customer Stories

We simply attract more car buyers online

  • By Phyron
  • Nov 1, 2021 - 2 min read
We simply attract more car buyers online

Susa Niemelä is Chief Digital Officer at Rinta-Joupin Autoliike, one of Finland’s largest resellers of new and used cars, vans, campers, and motorcycles. After 18 years in different positions, it’s an understatement to say that she knows the company and the industry well: “My job is not only about digital developments, to make it work I must be engaged in sales, marketing and customer relations, too.”

Most buyers watch videos end-to-end 

The family-owned company operates 26 sales and 11 service points around the country, and with some seasonal fluctuations, the catalogue shows around 4,000 vehicles. Every single vehicle is presented in a live video on the company’s site, with rather impressive results. Says Susa Niemelä:

“The best way to measure the success of our marketing efforts is how many buyers we are able to attract online, how much time they spend on our site, and how much interest they show in each vehicle. Since we introduced video three or four months ago (June 2021), more buyers come to the site, they usually look at more than one car, and around 90% of them watch the entire video, end-to-end! We are very pleased with the sales results too.”

No extra work

Most car buyers start their search by visiting the websites of several dealers, many of them in other locations. Which, according to Susa Niemelä, is one reason why informative, high-quality pictures or videos are so important:


“There are so many options in digital marketing today, and we are constantly looking out for new ideas and solutions like, for example, 360o photos. When introduced to Phyron’s automated video solution, we immediately recognized the opportunity to present all cars to all potential buyers in a more effective way. Especially when buyers cannot proceed to a local showroom to see the actual car. A good visual impression was always important to catch the buyers’ attention.” 

Another vital factor was that the solution does not require any additional work for the marketing team or the people at our 26 local selling points.

“We always had to take photos of every incoming car, and we always had to fill in the essential data in the car catalogue. So we simply connect to Phyron’s video generator and get complete, ready-to-use videos in return. It’s really as easy as that.”