
Power Your Automotive Inventory Ads (AIA) on Meta

  • By Phyron
  • Apr 15, 2024 - 4 min read
Power Your Automotive Inventory Ads (AIA) on Meta

Remember the days where you needed to publish an individual ad manually? For a car dealer with 100 cars in their inventory, that was a painful task. For 1,000+ car listings, forget about it!

Thankfully, Meta has removed all that friction with their Automotive Inventory Ads (AIA).

In this article, we’ll uncover what Meta’s AIAs are, introduce their latest generation of catalog ads, and share how you can solve the “unscalable challenge” of content production.

Let’s dive in!

Automotive Inventory Ads Explained

Automotive Inventory Ads are a catalog-based solution on Meta that lets car dealers advertise their vehicles on an inventory, or Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), level. 

This means that they can market their entire fleet of new and used vehicles effortlessly with information including make, model, year and mileage. 

Through engagement metrics and the Meta Pixel, car shoppers are targeted (and retargeted) with a selection of vehicles that match their interest and geographic location. When people click on an ad, they’re redirected to your vehicle detail page on Meta or on your website.

Meta’s New Product Level Video 

Traditionally, Automotive Inventory Ads were limited to still images. But as of January 2024, this has been expanded to include video with the launch of Meta’s new Product Level Video (PLV)

Why does PLV matter, you ask?

Because video is king! 

In fact, 82% of time on social media is spent consuming video. Internal studies from Meta have shown that combining images and video together can grow conversions by up to 48% compared to images alone. 

The winning formula is using multiple media formats within your Meta ad campaigns. And now, Meta gives advertisers that option by enabling “Dynamic Media” for your inventory ads. 

Activating it allows Meta’s machine learning to automatically optimize your ads by serving an image or a video ad to a car buyer based on what is most likely to convert.  

The “Unscalable Challenge”

Creating a unique video and studio-quality image for each car in your inventory sounds great, but how is it possible for a hundred – or thousands – of car listings?

The short answer: AI and automation.

Founded in 2019, Phyron works with 3,000 automotive retailers across 27+ countries. Our AI platform transforms simple car inventory data (photos and car specifications) into AI-enhanced still images and automated videos. 100% automated with zero human input.

Power Your Meta AIA Strategy with Phyron

Phyron is perfectly positioned to help car dealers make the most of Meta’s Automotive Inventory Ads, including their new Product Level Video.

1. Video creation at scale

Create thousands of personalized videos within minutes. We’ll automatically create 4 video variants for 18 placements, including Meta’s Stories, Reels and Watch. Customize your videos hundreds of ways with custom design templates, fonts, logos, currencies, Call-to-Actions and so much more.

2. AI-enhanced stills for a consistent look and feel

Elevate your brand recognition with consistent, AI-powered imagery of your entire car
inventory. Professional, studio-quality images with automatic background removal,
replacement, resolution upscaling, and vehicle resizing and repositioning.

3. Paid ads that are fully automated and always on

Our API automatically fetches your existing data (car specifications and photographs) to produce your engaging content. We’ll then connect to Meta’s feed to publish your image and video ads automatically. We’ll even update your listings when a car is sold!

Level Up Your Advertising with Phyron

AI and automation are making strides in automotive retail, and Phyron is at the forefront. We’re enabling car dealers to scale and streamline their ad content production to take full advantage of Meta’s Automotive Inventory Ads, improve efficiency, and ultimately grow car sales.

Optimize for conversions with branded, engaging videos and studio-quality images of each car in your entire catalog. You don’t need a video marketing team, just Phyron.

Request a demo now to find out how Phyron can support your AIA strategy.

